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CV MEGA JAYA LOGAM is a company engaged in the field of metal casting and machining industry, under the leadership of H. Bambang Setiawan, SE. CV MEGA JAYA LOGAM has two production kitchens. namely the kitchen with a capacity of 30 Ton kupola and induction kitchen with a capacity of 1/2 Ton once cast or 4 tons per day. So we can produce many quality with fast time.we have been experienced in the field of casting for decades. So we already know how to produce the best quality products. our products are of good quality.CVMEGA JAYA METAL products have been spread in various cities in Indonesia from Sabang to MeraukeCV MEGA JAYA LOGAM already has a company license, we already have the deed of incorporation of companies that have registered in notary we also have SIUP, HO, TDP. so we are not a company abal abal or fictitious company. we have our own foundry factory and finishing factory. so we are not a falish abal abal company.CV MEGA JAYA LOGAM also has ISO certificate 2008: 9001with a good management system and is well organized. With the existence of a good management system there will be a control system at each stage. So the Products we produce have good quality, choice and superior.CV MEGA JAYA LOGAM has several experts9 in the field. from start office admin, smelting machine operator, lathe operator, finishing expert, design team and others.The excellent products we produce are as follows: Bollard / Bolder Grill Manhole, Grill Plants, Water Catching Grill, etc. Deck Drain Roof Drain Light poles Hydrant All products made from Besi Cor (FC), FCD, Mangan Steel, Steel, Aluminum, Bronze, Alfa Bronze Etc Street Signpost PJU lampposts Park benchWe serve casting services in accordance with customer orders. Not only for local customers, but we also serve orders from all over Indonesia and even abroad.CV. Mega Jaya Logam has been awarded ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System Immediately contact us for reservations and further information CV MEGA JAYA LOGAM New Brackets, Batur, Ceper, Klaten, Central Java Phone: (0272) 555764 HP: 08122592638 Fax: (0272) 555764 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Instagram: @megajayalogam
Menjadi perusahaan yang solid dan terpercaya dibidang pengecoran logam dan permesinan di Indonesia
Selalu berinovasi, untuk mencapai posisi terdepan dan dapat dipercaya, dengan orientasi yang konsisten terhadap kepuasan pelanggan
Kami merupakan salah satu usaha yang bergerak dibidang pengecoran logam dan permesinan terkemuka dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Produk yang Kami jual seperti Manhole, Grill Manhole Cover, Tee Bollard, Rubber Fender dan banyak lagi. Produk yang kami jual memiliki kualitas terbaik dan harga jual yang lebih murah dari harga di pasaran.
Bakalan Baru, Batur, Kec. Ceper, Kab. Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Kab. Klaten 57465 Jawa Tengah , Indonesia
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